Nearly 100 High School Graduates Defy Dropout Odds in Sacramento County
For many of these students, the path to graduation seemed impossible until they received a knock on their door or a note slid onto their desk requesting a meeting with Dr. Kadhir Raja, the founder and president of Miracle University.
Coming Soon: Miracle Vocational College
About Us
Miracle University Dropout Prevention Program and Miracle University High School have a 100% success rate in graduating thousands of students while getting them paid.
- Accredited High School
- Free Tuition (based on family income)
- Created by the 2011 California State Teacher of the Year
- 100% Success Rate
- Transforming thousands of potential dropouts into graduates
Miracle University is an accredited high school through our partnership with Giant Campus Academy and by Cognia Accreditation that focuses on creating an environment that is grounded in relationship building, individually tailored mentoring for every child, and a culture of high expectations. We are dedicated to saving EVERY student, putting them on a path to become Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, Professionals, Blue Collar Workers, and every professional available to students that are not from the Inner City. Our graduates receive admission to colleges and career technical schools. We value every student that walks through our doors. It is our mission to teach them to value themselves and make the impact in their own lives.
With this approach, we’ve successfully graduated hundreds of students throughout California that go on to live healthy, productive lives. Our graduates give back to their community and together we are building a better community.
Are you Ready to focus on what matters?
Every child has a caring and culturally responsive MENTOR who provides accountability and motivation to succeed.
Every child has an engaging and culturally responsive TEACHER in every classroom.
Every student will have an individualized plan for success towards reaching his or her dreams. Their personal mentor will ensure that the student follows the success plan, helping every student at Miracle University to feel cared for. Through the power of relationships and high expectations, failure will not be an option.
Our Progress

We cannot wait until 4,000 9th grade “Pushouts” in Sacramento drop out of school and fall into the pipeline from school to crime, incarceration, poverty, homelessness, lower life expectancy, and cost the society billions of dollars in lost wages and health care expenses
Thank you to our sponsors!