Miracle University Private High School has partnered with Giant Campus Academy, a fully accredited online high school accredited through Cognia, to provide accredited high school courses, transcripts, and diplomas to Miracle University students. Miracle University students' courses are provided through the Edgenuity platform using Giant Campus Academy virtual instructors and the accredited Edgenuity curriculum. Miracle University provides the holistic mentoring, tutoring, socio-emotional support, transportation to school, internships, career technical training, housing assistance, academic scholarships and other resources to ensure every student succeeds. All official transcripts and diplomas will reflect the Giant Campus Academy accreditation. For more information regarding the partnership between Miracle University and Giant Campus Academy or our Cognia accreditation, please visit:
If you have any further questions on this partnership between Miracle University and Giant Campus Academy or if there's anything else we can assist you with, please feel free to contact:
Giant Campus Academy Advisor
Eliana Aguilar at eliana.aguilar@imaginelearning.com
Miracle University President
Dr. Kadhir Raja at kadhirraja@miracleuniversity.net
We cannot wait until 4,000 9th grade “Pushouts” in Sacramento drop out of school and fall into the pipeline from school to crime, incarceration, poverty, homelessness, lower life expectancy, and cost the society billions of dollars in lost wages and health care expenses
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