Roughly 25% of 9th graders in U.S. schools will fail to graduate in 4 years.

The Cure For The Dropout

MASBLOOM framework

#1 Solution For Motivation

Every child has a caring and culturally responsive MENTOR who provides accountability and motivation to succeed

#1 Solution For Achievement

Every child has an engaging and culturally responsive TEACHER in every classroom

This is what Miracle University provides.

Within Every Dropout Lies A Scholar. The state of a child is a reflection of the level his or her basic needs and cognitive needs are being met

5 Success Factors

Success Factor 1: Culturally Responsive Handz on Mentor Providing Academic and Wellness Support for Every Student

Every student at Miracle University will feel cared for by a culturally responsive mentor who is on campus every day and serves as a “case manager” for every mentee. Mentors will be matched with mentees based on the students' culture, interests, struggles, and other needs. These mentors will be in the classroom throughout the day to support the mentees and teachers as well. Every mentor and staff member will be trained using the Handz on Mentors: Transforming Academic Achievement and Wellness at Every Urban School handbook designed by Dr. Kadhir Raja (Founder of HOM). Handz on Mentor (HOM) program is an evidence-based approach that focuses on creating a culture of achievement and wellness for all students. The Handz on Mentors book, designed by a California State Teacher of the Year and Principal, Dr. Kadhir Raja, ensures that every child feels cared for by a culturally responsive mentor on campus, who focuses on relationship building and improving attendance, behavior, classwork, and wellness (ABCW).  Through the power of relationships and high expectations, failure will not be an option.

At Miracle University, the mentor to student ratio is 1:50. This ratio is 10 times less than the average ratio in America’s high schools of counselor to student ratio of 1:500. Every mentor will be responsible for monitoring the academic progress and wellness of at least 50 students. Every mentor will develop a positive relationship with every mentee and will monitor every mentee’s Attendance, Behavior, Classwork, and Wellness (ABCW) on a daily basis. There will be a health and wellness check in every day. Research shows that students who meet regularly with their mentors are 52 percent less likely than their peers to skip a day of school and 37 percent less likely to skip a class. Furthermore, young adults who face an opportunity gap but have a mentor are 55 percent more likely to be enrolled in college than those who did not have a mentor. Furthermore, mentored youth maintain better attitudes toward school and have a better chance of going on to higher education.

Mentors also help to communicate with parents. Parents should ideally be the most important ally in the solving the dropout crisis. Although some failing 9th graders may not have parents who are present or able to advocate for their kids, there are many parents who care but simply do not know how to advocate for their child. The teacher can feel overwhelmed with improving student achievement and may not have enough time to communicate about the progress of students with every parent. The teacher may not be able to make home visits and find out that mom is not at home or that the student is homeless. The mentor helps to bring everyone together to the battle of saving the child. The mentors are trained to communicate with parents and also do home visits to engage the family in the child’s life-saving transformation. The mentor will have the contact numbers of parents. Parents will be a part of the movement to eliminate the dropout crisis. Parents will approve the mentor for their child.

Handz On Mentors In Action

a mentor talking to a group of students
a woman talking to a student
a mentor sitting at a table talking to a student
a mentor with a group of students on the playground
a mentor sitting at a table with a group of students

Success Factor 2: Culturally Responsive Curriculum and Instruction

All teachers will be trained to deliver culturally responsive instruction under the instructional leadership of Dr. Kadhir Raja. Every teacher will be trained using the culturally responsive teaching strategies championed by scholars like Dr. Pedro Noguera, Dr. Sharroky Hollie, and detailed by Dr. Kadhir Raja (California State Teacher of the Year) in his ASCD published book, CREATE Success: Unlocking the Potential of Urban Youth. These instructional strategies have resulted in the success of thousands of “pushouts” who were once failing in school and also been presented to thousands of educators across the nation. There will be a common instructional foundation based on research-based practices that unites all teachers. Teachers will be supported through daily walkthroughs and immediate feedback by the instructional leadership team. Teachers will be trained in culturally responsive instructional techniques such as “call and response” and hands on learning so all students are always engaged in learning. Students will fulfill the UC/A-G requirements and learn the academic standards needed to succeed at a 4 year college and in the workplace using text and curriculum that reflects their culture, identity, history, experiences, and daily life. Students will discuss the challenges and institutional barriers that exist in their community. They will be encouraged to develop projects and think of ways they can make a difference for their community. Character building, conscious thinking, and civic mindedness will be a major component of the curriculum

create success
the pushouts

Students going from "F" to "A"

a student laying her head on a desk
a student explaining why he enjoys the program
a student explaining that she went from a F student to an A
a student working on a math problem

Success Factor 3: Personalized Success Plan/Hybrid Learning Options

All students have the potential to succeed. But every student learns differently. Online or hybrid learning options will be available. Some students may do better in hybrid or online learning. There will be teachers who conduct online class for those students who need this type of instruction. Some students may need to work at their own pace in front of their computer while receiving assistance one-to-one from online teachers as needed. Students who thrive with one-to-one instructional approach or online tutoring will have these options. All options will be available to accommodate the students’ learning needs. The goal is that the student succeeds.

hybrid learning

There will be individualized plans for success including flexible schedules for students. Every student will have an individualized plan for success towards reaching his or her dreams. The personal mentor will ensure that the student follows the success plan. While most students will attend a typical school day from 8:30-3:30pm, some students may need a modified class schedule to accommodate their needs. Every student mentee will have an individual success plan that is catered to their needs and goals. The individual success plan (below) will state the students: interests, hobbies, dream career, dream college, financial goal, GPA goal, and progress goal in all tested subjects like math and English. The student will be encouraged through their discussions around their individual pan to discover their passion and purpose in life. Through relationship building and conversations with mentees, the mentors will create this student success plan for every mentee. The mentor can check in with their mentee about how they are doing academically in terms of reaching their goals. Every progress report or quarter, mentors should have access to the grades and test scores of their mentees. The mentors should have conversations with every mentee about their current progress and their stated goals on the student success plan. “Are you earning the 3.0 GPA goal that you stated on the plan?” “How can you become a lawyer if you are not able to read at grade level?” “It is important that John stay after school for tutoring since he is failing algebra.” The student success plan also helps the mentor hold the student accountable to following their stated goals. The mentor can also have conversations with the teacher, parent, counselor, and Principal about how the students are making progress towards meeting their goals on the success plan. The key is that the mentors and mentees have this conversation around the success plan every progress period.

Success Factor 4: Safe Environment based on Rigor, Recognition and Wellness for Students/Staff

The environment will be a clean and positive zone of positivity. Students and staff members will exist in an environment of love and care. Kindness will be a way of life. Teachers will feel cared for and nurtured. Bullying, harassment, and any negative energy will not be allowed. The Handz on Mentors will be visible and present throughout the day including during recess and lunch time. There will be different stations such as basketball, football, dance, and spoken word that are supervised by the mentors during the day. The mentors will encourage all students to be participate in positive activities during lunch recess. The students will thrive in a college-going environment that feeds them with positivity every day. There will be murals of role models, cultural icons who make a difference, colleges, and quotes on kindness and positive thinking. There will be a wellness garden and wellness room where students and staff can meditate or rejuvenate their spirit of peace and love. A health and wellness clinic will also be a part of the vision. Healthy behavior, nutrition, and the importance of exercise will be taught and emphasized at Miracle University.

All students will be expected to aim high. The students will be in a college-going environment that is grounded on individually tailored relationships and love. Students will be encouraged to earn the highest possible grades and enjoy the learning process. 9th grade students will be pushed to be UC/A-G eligible and earn at least a 3.0 GPA so that they have an amazing start to high school. All students will learn a foreign language. Conversations with mentors will revolve around the individualized plans for success, career goals, dream colleges, and the grades needed to achieve these aspirations. Students enjoy the feeling of success in school. There will be mandatory tutoring for every student who is at risk of earning below a 3.0 GPA or below an 80% in any class. Failure will not be an option. Any student who scores below an 80% will have to attend after school tutoring until they make sufficient progress towards mastery. Mentors, teachers and administrators will collectively make sure every student is held to these expectations. Teachers and tutors will be paid for supporting students during these after school classes.

There will be quarterly award ceremonies and different events that celebrate both students and staff for demonstrating academic progress, leadership and excellence in character. At Miracle University, “success is cool.” There will be a culture of kindness and celebration for students and staff members through frequent appreciation events.

Success Factor 5: Community Service and Real-World Internships

A character of service will be infused in the curriculum and culture of the school. Students will engage in classroom discussions and have assignments that revolve around giving back to the community. They will participate in projects that help keep the community clean, uplift the homeless, or that inspire elementary school students to do better in school. Students will have the opportunity for hands on learning, outdoor learning, and building wellness gardens, where they learn to appreciate the health benefits of growing and eating nutritious food. Students at Miracle University will also participate in internships that relate to their interest and career dream. Every Friday, students will participate in internships tied to their career of interest. Miracle University will have partnerships with local businesses, law schools, hospitals, sports medicine, hair salon studios, and other community-based organizations that allow students to have a hands-on experience in the career of their dreams.

three people in scrubs posing

Athletics, Clubs, Music and Arts

Over time, Miracle University will have all different athletic teams, dance and performing arts studios, mural clubs, wellness gardens, junior law school, and other partnerships with community organizations to ensure that students have a holistic educational experience.

We cannot wait until 4,000 9th grade “Pushouts” in Sacramento drop out of school and fall into the pipeline from school to crime, incarceration, poverty, homelessness, lower life expectancy, and cost the society billions of dollars in lost wages and health care expenses

Thank you to our sponsors!

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